Foreclosure listings August-18-2005

Foreclosure listings August 18, 2005

If you need assistance getting started buying foreclosure properties
we have partnered with a great site that literally walks you step by
step through investing in foreclosures.
You can find more information here:
massive wealth with foreclosures

The listings are updated once a week. Emails are sent out on Thursday.
The email will contain a link to where you can download the zip file.

This weeks foreclosure listings can be accessed here:
Foreclosure for 8-8-2005

Best of Luck,
Have Good

Foreclosure listings

Foreclosure listings August 11, 2005

If you need assistance getting started buying foreclosure properties
we have partnered with a great site that literally walks you step by
step through investing in foreclosures.
You can find more information here:
massive wealth with foreclosures

The listings are updated once a week. Emails are sent out on Thursday.
The email will contain a link to where you can download the zip file.

This weeks foreclosure listings can be accessed here:
Foreclosure for 8-1-2005

Best of Luck,
Have Good

Debt Problems? You Can Negotiate With Your Creditors

Debt Problems? You Can Negotiate With Your Creditors

Debt Problems? You Can Negotiate With Your Creditors
By Douglas Hanna

It is always possible to negotiate with creditors – even if they have already taken you to court to get a judgment or to garnish your wages.

Getting a creditor to reduce your monthly payment helps and does provide short-term relief. However, this is only a temporary measure and you need to remember that the interest on your debt will continue to pile up.

You need to negotiate settlements with your creditors to get real debt relief and fix your credit.

Let’s take credit card debt first. Suppose you owe $4,000 but that the original amount was only $2500 and the rest is interest. Let’s also assume you have been behind in your payments for six moths. Call the company and explain the reason why you have fallen behind. You will need to have a real reason such as illness or the loss of a job. Agree to pay $2500 as a settlement in full. In turn, have the company agree to report your account as current to the credit reporting agencies.

Most creditors will buy off on this kind of settlement because they’d rather get the money now vs. having to wait many months or pay a collection agency. So you should be able to negotiate this kind of settlement with many, if not all, of your creditors.

However, some creditors will elect to take you to court to get a judgment. A judgment is a court order stating that you must pay the amount owed. It gives the creditor the right to garnish your wages or seize your assets, including your bank accounts.

Even if a judgment proceeding has begun, there is still time to negotiate a settlement. You can approach the creditor’s attorney (or have your attorney approach the other attorney) and make an initial offer of 40 percent to settle the case. You will probably have to go up from the 40 percent. However, a settlement may be attractive to the creditor because it saves the company attorney’s fees and the cost of seizing your assets or garnishing your salary.

If you do reach a settlement with a creditor, be sure to receive proof of payment. Also, don’t send any funds until you have a legal document that spells out the terms of the settlement. Keep a copy of this document. Make the payment as agreed and then request that the creditor provide you with a receipt or some other proof of payment.

Some creditors, especially contractors and subcontractors and the IRS, can file a lien on your property. A lien is a court order that gives the creditor an interest in a piece of some real property you own such as your home. When you sell the property, the creditor will be paid what he or she is owed out of the proceeds of the sale. Once a lien has been placed against your property, the only way to eliminate it is to pay or reach a settlement with the creditor. If it is the IRS that filed the lien, be sure to get a Certificate of Release of Federal Tax Lien when you do pay it off.
Negotiating with creditors may not be much fun, but it can help you get out of debt and repair your credit.

For more FREE help with debt and credit, subscribe today to Douglas Hanna’s free email newsletter “8 Simple Steps to Debt Relief” at

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Is There A Way Out Of Your Debt Problems

Is There A Way Out Of Your Debt Problems?

Is There A Way Out Of Your Debt Problems?
By Roy Thomsitt

Do you have multiple debts? Do you have just one large debt which you could afford, but your circumstances have since changed? Are you finding it harder each month to meet the payments on your debts?

You know debt is a problem, but maybe do not have any idea what the best way out is. Financial problems rarely just go away, so a solution of some beneficial sort is needed. Otherwise the problems just keep piling up and eventually overwhelm you.

While there may not be any instant debt solution, there are a number of things that can be done. Some of those things that can help you, apply across all methods of improving your debt situation, so let us have a look at those first:

1. Change Your Attitude Towards Debt And Spending

While debt is almost contagious these days, it is possible to be different from the crowd. Once you are determined not to follow social trends just because they are there, your mind can become a powerful ally in finding and achieving a solution to your debt problems.

This part of the debt solution is a long term aid, but one that will act like an immunisation does with disease. You will build up an immunity to the debt traps in the future, and for your existing debt you will be far more inclined to plan and budget your way to a debt free future.

2. Plan And Budget As Part Of Your Debt Solution

Another essential debt solution element is for you to budget and plan your financial future. First of all, list your outgoings and give them an order of priority in monthly payment. If you have an annual charge, then divide by 12 and use that monthly figure, remembering to set aside that amount each month in a savings account.

Include all your repayments, including credit cards, in those outgoings. Set a firm budget for yourself each month, and stick to it. If there is a surplus, use it to pay off extra each month on loans and credit cards, choosing the most expensive to clear first. Combined with 1 above, this is an important part of your debt solution, whatever other methods you may add.

3. Cut Out From Your Budget Non Essential Items Of Expenditure.

Now that you have gone through part 2 of your debt solution, take another look at the list of outgoings. First of all, ensure the list is complete. Then go through the list an item at a time, and see if there is anything that can be eliminated or at least cut. You may find it useful for the first month to take a detailed look at your supermarket and other household grocery spends, to see if there are possible savings.

By going through the above three processes you are well on the way to finding a debt solution that is achievable and without penalty. In the long term, it will improve your financial welfare no end.

If you want to go further though, and mix the above 3 suggestions with other solution possibilities, then you may consider the following:

1. Debt Consolidation Loan

If you have multiple debts a debt consolidation loan may well be a part of your debt solution possibilities. By taking out a debt consolidation loan, you could give yourself some breathing space by reducing your monthly payments. Combined with the three self help methods described above, you can give yourself an opportunity to plan and budget for debt elimination over the period of the loan.

By setting aside the savings from your monthly reduction in payments, you can accumulate enough for just about all your needs. Aim for no further borrowing. Save for your next car, next vacation, or anything else you may have used a loan for before. Become a saver and cash buyer from now on.

2. Debt Negotiation

If you have debts getting out of control and are struggling to make monthly payments, or have started to fall behind, then debt negotiation or settlement is an option as a part of your long term debt solution. With debt negotiation, it is usual for the debtor to use a consultant to negotiate settling the debts, at perhaps a 40%-50% lower level, and then agreeing a repayment rate for that lower level of debt.

Debt negotiation will have an impact on your credit rating, so if you can use a debt consolidation loan it will probably be better for you.

There are other ways to reach a debt solution, but those above are the most likely and practical. But whatever way you choose to go, you will find your long term wealth growth improved by using the first 3 self help methods: changing attitude or mindset; budgeting; and cutting out non essentials. Later, you can look forward to all the non essentials you want, after your patient period of constraint.

Never forget also that there are many ways to increase your income, whatever your age. Keep expanding your knowledge, and those possibilities will always increase. You may even find a way of earning money online.

This debt solution article was written by Roy Thomsitt, owner of the Eliminate Credit Card Debt Now website.

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Consolidate Debt to Help Get You Out of the Quagmire

Consolidate Debt to Help Get You Out of the Quagmire

Consolidate Debt to Help Get You Out of the Quagmire
By Lee Bennett

Will you agree with me if I tell you that, the key to financial success is to live within your means? This is an old belief that modern day income earners have completely forgotten. This is because it is now extremely easy to get into financial trouble. Credit card, store cards and other loans are easy to acquire. However, you will agree with me when I say that they are very hard to pay, you may end up living a paycheck-to-paycheck kind of life if you will not fix the situation immediately.

Consolidation debt may save your sinking credit standing. However, you need to be careful if you need a consolidation debt. Many debt consolidation companies may offer their services when you need a consolidation debt. This may be helpful but it is more advisable if you try to make a realistic personal assessment of your financial condition before deciding on acquiring a consolidation debt.

First, you need to consider the ultimate reason why you think a consolidation debt may be your only way out. Does interest rate burden you that even you pay your dues; your obligation remains that same. If this is so, then may be a consolidation debt can be your best bet. If you need to reduce your monthly payments to only one in order to avoid sacrificing other debtors in favor of another, then this may also be a reason for acquiring consolidation debt. Additionally, proper handling of a consolidation debt may speed up repair of your credit standing. This may be a very good benefit you will get from acquiring a consolidation debt.

When you finally decide base on your personal assessment that really, consolidation debt is a good way to help take back your credit standing and credit worthiness, then you need to decide on the next issue. Do you want to negotiate for your consolidation debt or would you need a credit counselor? You may try to negotiate personally but this proves to be too tedious and that there may be technical terms you are not familiar to. Let us hope you do not fall prey to loan sharks that will apply unrealistically high interest rates on the consolidation debt you will acquire. It may be a good recommendation to get the services of a reputable and respectable lending institution to negotiate for your consolidation debt. There are benefits you may get from debt consolidation companies that you may not provide for yourself. Since, they are in the business of providing debt consolidation services, they may be able to negotiate better and may lessen your debt, lessen the interest rates and even lessen the late payment charges. This is going to be very beneficial. However, you need to be smart in choosing a debt consolidation company to represent you in your consolidation debt application. Because there are some who may take advantage of you. Get references and find resources that may help you in assessing the best lending institution to represent you.

Finally, a good recommendation for acquiring a consolidation debt is to get as many proposals as you can. From there, you assess which offers the most flexible terms. Consider the monthly payments you need to set aside. You may also need to consider the length of the payment terms and the charges of the debt consolidation company for the services in acquiring your consolidation debt. After all these get the most advantageous offer and start from there. Take back your life and your credit standing. Avoid headaches and sleepless nights due to bugging creditors. When you finally get a consolidation debt, pay diligently, this is the best way for you.

Lee Bennett

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