10 Bad Credit Habits

10 bad habits that lead to debt disaster

I found this article on MSN written by By Leslie Hunt, Bankrate.com
This is Dave Ramsey! She basically took his baby steps and re-wrote them. If you follow Dave Ramsey at all everyone of these steps should look familiar to you. She even uses some of the same terminology, "emergency fund"…

Bad Habit No. 1: Misusing balance transfers
Bad Habit No. 2: Not checking credit reports — you can’t change them anyway.
Bad Habit No. 3: Failing to alert creditors about a financial hardship
Bad Habit No. 4: Thinking of ‘budget’ as a dirty word
Bad Habit No. 5: Using retail store credit cards to make use of discounts
Bad Habit No. 6: Procrastinating on creating an emergency fund
Bad Habit No. 7: Paying bills in no particular order
Bad Habit No. 8: Charging purchases instead of paying in cash or with a debit card
Bad Habit No. 9: Making credit payments late
Bad Habit No. 10: Making the minimum payment only

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