Yahoo Answers

I often check out the questions being asked on Yahoo answer, mainly about credit and debt. I do it not to feel better or worse about my self but rather to learn something.

So after watching the answers for many weeks I have made a few observations.

There are a lot of people in debt.
There are a lot of people deeply in debt.
There are a lot of people who do not know what to do next.
There are a lot of people who are at the end of their rope.
There are a lot people looking for a way out.
There are a lot of people looking for help.

It’s clear there is a huge need for accurate and timely information on debt and credit. There are so many scams out on the Internet its amazing.

Getting out of debt and cleaning up your credit is exactly like going on a diet. However we have learned that diets don’t work, change your life style is the only way to take and keep off the weight.

Getting out of debt is the same. You need to change your life style and the debt will start to go away. You have to want to do it bad enough. the pain off being in debt must be great enough to force the change. Listing to Dave Ramsey is not enough. You have to want to make the change.

but like getting into shape you need a guide, a game plan and motivation. With out these three it will be hard to succeed.

Sign up for our free 8 day course on crushing debt and use it as a base for getting back into financial shape.

have a great weekend!

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