Dont Give UP

I don’t usually like to quote songs; something about it seems so cheesy. Anyway it’s almost the weekend so I thought I would put up a post to maybe give some people hope there is light at the end of the tunnel.

On the radio was a song by Peter Gabriel called “Give Up”. I personally never heard the song before and it’s not really my type of music but I caught a part of a lyric that made me stop and think. It went like this, “When times are tough don’t give up…”

Simple but powerful advice.

How does this relate to having good credit or crushing your debt? I can speak from experience that when you are so deep in debt you feel like you are being crushed. Life seems bleak and cold. It seems like you are a second class citizen in this free country. You are ashamed of the hole you have dug for yourself. When you reach the breaking point you will do one of two things break down and give up. Or you will pick yourself up and make a game plan. It starts with setting up your budget and starting to pay off your debt.

You fight to find every extra dollar in your household and you apply it to your debt. If you keep this up you will start to win the war on debt. Things will start to look up. Life will get better. But it starts with making the first step. It starts with a choice, a choice to be free.

So when times are tough don’t give up! Search this free blog for answers. Check out other sites we link to. All the answers you need to fight this battle against debt are right in front of you and best of all they are free!!! Email me, post on my blog I will do everything in my power to help.

Keep Crushing that Debt!!! You will win the war.

Have a great weekend.

One of my bosses from way back gave me a picture similar to this and somehow it just fits this post. I am sure many have seen this one before:
Dont give Up!

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