Kirstie Alley in a bikini

We were watching the news coverage of [tag]Vote 2006[/tag] this morning and in between races coverage a story about [tag]Kirstie Alley[/tag] aired. Alley had made a deal with Oprah she would come on her show wearing a [tag]bikini[/tag]. So what’s the big deal? Well a year ago Alley weighed in over 220 pounds. She had let her weight spiral out of control.

A year ago she was eating over 8,000 calories a day! That’s more than 4 times the recommended daily intake for a woman of her size. She did not exercise. She smoked. She ballooned past 220 pounds. Forget the vanity aspect of gaining that much weight, it’s just plain unhealthy to eat like that. You are putting yourself at a great health risk.

Once Alley realized she had let her weight get completely out of control, she decided to do something about it. It was time for a change. A very big change. She set a goal of getting into a bikini in a years time and doing it on the [tag]Oprah show[/tag]. This means she would have to shed over 70 pounds in less than a year’s time.

To do this she needed a game plan. So she drastically cut her caloric intake and made smart food decisions. She hired a personal trainer to help her stay motivated and teach her the right way to work out.

Let’s fast forward to this week. She is now 145 pounds, stopped smoking and feeling great. I forgot to mention she is 55 years old!

So what does this have to do with getting rid of debt? Everything! Being deep in debt is much like being 220 pounds over weight. To gain that much weight you had to have some very bad habits. To be deep in debt you also have to have bad habits or unfortunate circumstances.

Loosing 75 pounds in a year takes a couple things. Look how Alley did it:
First you have to realize there is a problem.
Next you have to make the decision you will get rid of the weight.
You make a game plan and get educated on how to loose the weight.
You take daily action to reach your goal.
You stay motivated. In her case she hired a personal trainer.
You celebrate the small victories as over time they will add up to one big win.

This is exactly what you need to do to get out of [tag]debt[/tag].
Realize there is a problem
Make a decision to change your financial situation
Educate yourself on how to reduce your debt
Take action
Stay motivated.

In time you can achieve your [tag]debt free[/tag] goal.

When I talk to people about debt reduction the two hardest obstacles to over come are finding accurate information about [tag]debt reduction[/tag] methods and staying motivated.

Please use this free blog to get accurate information and Motivation. Check out other sites I link to for motivation as well. I once was in a debt hole so deep I thought I would never get our but using the simple steps noted above. However overtime I have been able to crawl out of my terrible situation. It takes a plan, action, motivation and time.

I applaud Kirstie Alley for her courage and dedication! I truly take this as a source of motivation and inspiration in my life. See the video Here.

P.S. To day is [tag]Election Day[/tag] in the U.S.A so please go out and vote. Exercise your right as an American to vote. Today is a day we get to stand up and voice our opinion. When I was 18 my dad said to me; “if you don’t vote than you have no right to complain if the government does something you don’t like.”

Voting is patriotic. So get out and cast your ballot.


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