Life Takes Visa

I was watching TV this weekend and I saw numerous “[tag]Life takes Visa[/tag]” Commercials. I also see these billboards all over the city. If you haven’t seen the commercial the basic gist is as follows, life is too expensive and there are so many things we “want” to do and buy so we need a little help from your friends at Visa to accomplish these goals.

Using your Visa to pay for things you really can’t afford is one way to live your life or you could save money and [tag]pay cash[/tag]. It’s a free country so you make the choice.

But keep this in mind.

You will end up paying much more for the item than if you had just paid in cash. The amount of money you use to pay your Credit card minimums subtracts from the money you could put into a savings account or other investment accounts, which stops you from building true wealth and a secure future. If you amass too much debt the stress involved is enormous. This can take a hefty toll on your relationships with those you love. For this reason alone Visa should change there slogan to “Visa takes Life.”

Yes, life is expensive but just because you want it doesn’t mean you should have it right on the spot. I was once one of the legions of Americans who bought into the “Life takes Visa” way of life, but after creating a [tag]debt hole[/tag] so deep I thought I would never get out, my attitude changed real quick.

I changed my situation around by doing the following:
Realize there is a problem with your spending habits
Stop spending on [tag]credit[/tag]
Put together a budget
Put together a [tag]debt reduction[/tag] plan
Take action
Stay focused

You will be [tag]debt free[/tag].

 If you are in the same place as I was years ago you can get out but you must get focused and change your attitude about spending, and you must do it now!

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