Living on One Income

When our child was born there was no question that my wife would stay home. We gave up an income but our child gained so much from having her mother with her everyday.

So how did we do it on just one income? We cut cost, big time! Yes, I gave up my fancy car, we gave up nice vacations, etc… but what we got back in terms of our child’s growth and happiness can not be judge in terms of dollars. The three of us live on one income and are very happy.

Life is about choices and in this case I choose the happiness of my child over material things. In very near future my wife will go back to work but I am so thankful my child had two great years with her mother.

Making the decision to step out of the work force to raise children can seem overwhelming. Some families consider it impossible to live on one income in today’s world of huge mortgages, large credit card balances and looming college costs. Yet some parents do manage to make the leap homeward.

How to survive as a one-income family (Page 1 of 3)

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Debt Evaluation Calculator

If you need a free online tool to evaluate your debt to income ratio check out this site on money central, it give you a step by step to input debts.

Debt evaluation calculator, debt evaluator, debt ratio – MSN Money

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Debt or a house

This person rights into Dr. don at Bankrate and ask should they pay off their credit card debt or save for a down payment on the house. They have 8 months rent free. He says save the money for the down and skip paying down the debt.

I am not a financial advisor but I think this is horrible advice. You should pay the credit card debt to nothing and then focus on buying a home. We as American need to learn to stop buying things we can not afford. The Credit Card debt is a symptom of poor budgeting and financial focus.

This Dr. is prescribing the wrong medicine. Get rid of the debt and then move on to the house.

Deciding between debt and down payment

Deciding between debt and down payment

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We dont take cash

One store in D.C. no longer will accept Cash as reported at

“The [tag]Snap Café[/tag] in Washington, D.C., made the news last week when it decided to stop accepting cash. If you want one of their crepes, you’ll have to pay with plastic.”

The article goes on to explain Government entities must accept cash but private business are not obligated by law to accept [tag]cash[/tag].

So Snap Café is with in their legal rights but I think it’s crazy and is a sign that our country is absolutely addicted to credit. This addiction will have sever negative financial implication on our nations for years to come. In essence we are mortgaging away our future as a nation. [tag]Debt[/tag] will Crush our future.

Compound to wealth

Sometimes it’s hard to think about wealth when the debt load is high. Compounding is the tool almost all “rich” people use to keep growing their wealth.

“Compounding,” Albert Einstein said, “is mankind’s greatest invention because it allows for the reliable, systematic accumulation of wealth.”

Getting rich is simpler than you think – MSN Money

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Dont Give UP

I don’t usually like to quote songs; something about it seems so cheesy. Anyway it’s almost the weekend so I thought I would put up a post to maybe give some people hope there is light at the end of the tunnel.

On the radio was a song by Peter Gabriel called “Give Up”. I personally never heard the song before and it’s not really my type of music but I caught a part of a lyric that made me stop and think. It went like this, “When times are tough don’t give up…”

Simple but powerful advice.

How does this relate to having good credit or crushing your debt? I can speak from experience that when you are so deep in debt you feel like you are being crushed. Life seems bleak and cold. It seems like you are a second class citizen in this free country. You are ashamed of the hole you have dug for yourself. When you reach the breaking point you will do one of two things break down and give up. Or you will pick yourself up and make a game plan. It starts with setting up your budget and starting to pay off your debt.

You fight to find every extra dollar in your household and you apply it to your debt. If you keep this up you will start to win the war on debt. Things will start to look up. Life will get better. But it starts with making the first step. It starts with a choice, a choice to be free.

So when times are tough don’t give up! Search this free blog for answers. Check out other sites we link to. All the answers you need to fight this battle against debt are right in front of you and best of all they are free!!! Email me, post on my blog I will do everything in my power to help.

Keep Crushing that Debt!!! You will win the war.

Have a great weekend.

One of my bosses from way back gave me a picture similar to this and somehow it just fits this post. I am sure many have seen this one before:
Dont give Up!

Debt stops some from Duty

A growing trend that is not only effecting non-military personal now is starting to make an effect on those that can now serve. More and More military personal are racking up too much debt and are then unable to serve. They are considered a “risk”. The Pentagon says the debt load over 30% of their income can make them vulnerable to bribery and treason.

Is this a deliberate attempt to get out of serving? “While the number of revoked clearances has surged since the beginning
of the Iraq war, military officials say there is no evidence that
service members are deliberately running up debts to stay out of harm’s

Thousands of U.S. troops are being barred from overseas duty because they are so deep in debt they are considered security risks, according to an Associated Press review of military records.

Troops’ debt a growing security concern – Yahoo! News

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maybe you shouldn't payoff your mortgage

I agree with this article. If you are carrying high rate credit card debt then you should focus on getting rid of that first and then take on the mortgage. Some cards are as high as 30% so get rid of them!!!

Many homeowners dream of the day when their mortgage is finally paid off. They look forward to not making any more house payments and having the satisfaction of owning their home free and clear. Some homeowners try to use aggressive tactics to pay off their mortgage–tactics like having a 15-year term on their fixed-rate mortgage or a bi-weekly mortgage.

Find Real Estate News, Mortgage News, Home Loans and Homes for Sale on Yahoo! Real Estate

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My 2 year old saves

Today my daughter said in the car; “I want money so I can put it in my bucket!” I was so excited because her bucket is the place she keeps her best toys for safe keeping. She lets no one touch her bucket or the items in the bucket. In essences it’s a savings account for a 23 month old child. She is less than two years old but we think it’s important to teach her the value of money. She has a piggy bank and every time she receives a cash gift, together we put the money in her piggy bank. We let her know it’s her money but we are saving it for later. So far she understands.

Back to today’s story, I was so proud of her for saying what she said and inside proud of us for making the decision to show her the value of money and saving, at such a young age. These lessons will help her to make sound financial decision as she gets older.

Here is the down side of this story. We were on our way home from the mall where we just spent $300 in new clothes for our child. The upside is we paid cash.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Top 5 Costly Addictions

As reported by MSN money the top 5 costly addiction are:

Alcohol: with an annual cost of $166 billion.

Smoking: With an annual cost of $157 billion

Drugs: With an annual cost of $110 billion

Over eating: With an annual cost of $107 billion

These numbers are amazing. The amount of money Americans spend on the top five could compete with the GDP of smaller nations.

When looking to increase income or pay off debt try cutting down on alcohol and cigarette.

Despite growing publicity about ‘soft’ addictions, drinking, smoking, drug abuse, overeating and gambling still are the most costly to society.

The 5 most expensive addictions – MSN Money

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